IRS – EP7 – A2 – L1 – P1

Ouça a Trilha e Acompanhe o Diálogo da vida real

Episódio 7 Aula 2 – Lição 1 – Parte 1

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Movie Play

I’m going to the USA tomorrow. Do you have flights to New York in the evening?

No, sir. Our latest flight to New York is at 4:00 P.M.
We only have night flights to New York on Fridays.

Friday is too late for me.

Why don´t you go first to Miami and then make a connection to new York?

Would I have to wait for a long time at the airport?

Not at all. Half an hour, at most.

It seems adequate, but wouldn´t I have to pay more?

No, Sir. The fare is exactly the same.

Fine. You can issue my ticket … Just one more thing. I prefer a seat towards the back of the plane.

