IRS – EP4 – A5 – L3

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Episódio 4 Aula 5 – Lição 3

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Agent: We’ve got inflection points. All he needs to do is see her dance and you’re at your ripple limit.

Richardson: What? All right, block the door.

Agent: He’s already through it.

Richardson: Not that one, the next one.

David: Excuse me. David Norris, I’m here to see Elise.

Richardson: I’m blocking them all.

Agent: Hat! Hat!

David: Is she here?

Woman: Yeah, she’s in the studio.

David: It’s too late. He’s already seen her. You hit your ripple limit. Celebrate now. They’re just going to kick it upstairs.

Agent: It’s Donaldson.

Richardson: He has no idea what he’s up against.

Donaldson: Let’s take a walk. The intense chemistry between them, the constant inflection points, and the kicker, you pulling them apart twice only to have chance put them back together. Yeah, all that seemed a little much. So, I asked Burdensky to do some research this morning. Have you been in here before? No, of course not.

Agent: It seems like David Norris and Elise Sellas were meant to be together because they were meant to be together.

Donaldson: In the ’70s when he was born, they were meant to be together, same thing in the ’80s, ’90s.

Agent: Wasn’t till 2005 that the plan changed and she was supposed to stay with Adrian. The problem here is there are remnants from all those old plans that keep pushing them together. They still feel like they belong with each other even though they don’t, and we’re about to tear them apart again.

Richardson: You spend your whole career hoping, someday, you’ll get a red-letter case. Something you can really make a name for yourself with. Finally you get one, and it’s booby-trapped.

Harry: What?

Richardson: I’m saying, it wasn’t your fault. They were meant to be together.

Harry: What?

Richardson: Were. In an earlier version of the plan. Actually, a dozen earlier versions. I always wondered how we had such bad luck that she was on that particular bus on that particular day.

Harry: How could a plan just change like that?

Richardson: I don’t know. It’s above my pay grade.

Agent: So, we’re going operational.
This is exciting. It’s been a while.

Donaldson: We’re not going operational. No one ever made it to my job by taking stupid risks.

Agent: So, what are we going to do?

Donaldson: We’re going to kick this case upstairs to someone with the latitude to clean up this mess without breaking into a sweat. We’re going to bring this to Thompson.

Agent: Thompson? When he was in the field, his nickname was…

Donaldson: The Hammer, yes. He’ll crush this little romance with a flick of his hand and force them back on plan again.

Elise: I want to go to a club.

David: Oh! Why ruin a really nice day?

Elise: Come on.

David: No, I don’t dance.

Elise: Oh come on, everyone can dance. You just feel the music.

David: Well, I’ve been told that I have trouble feeling.

Elise: Who told you that?

David: A long list of women.

Elise: That’s gross. You know what? Let’s race to that lamppost. You win, I dance for you. I win, you dance for me.

David: On the pole?

Elise: If you like, yeah.

David: This is serious. What are the rules?

Elise: There are no rules. Oh! You bastard! Oh, my gosh!

David: You challenged me in those shoes?

Elise: Okay, fine. I can’t. You’re right. These are the wrong shoes. I’m going to twist an ankle.

David: You said, No rules. I avoided them. Ow!

Elise: You said you had trouble feeling.

David: Great.

Man: Hey, David.

Woman: You’re even cuter in person.

Man: Hey, it’s David Norris.

David: How you doing? How are you?

Elise: How are we feeling about this tie?

Man: Hey, David Norris!

David: Hey, how you doing? Maybe I should go home and get my tux.

Elise: Definitely don’t do that. It’s good.

David: I should never have come back here again without my backup dancers.

Man: I voted for you.

David: How are you?

Man: Norris, you’re a rock star!

Elise: Did you grow up over here?

David: Yeah, three blocks over that way. Pioneer Street. My whole childhood.

Elise: What were you like as a kid?

David: I’ve spent about half my time in the principal’s office up until the sixth grade.

Elise: Wow.

David: Yeah, that was when my mother and my brother died within a month of each other.

Elise: I’m sorry.

David: No, it’s fine. You know how I always tell that story about how I got inspired to go into politics because my dad took me to the Senate Gallery and we sat together and that’s true. But what I leave out is he did that right after they died. And I was bottoming out. So, he wanted to get me out of here for a little while and he planned this road trip to DC, and I think it’s because JFK was his idol. And we went and sat in the gallery.I remember watching him watch them, and I knew that that’s what I wanted to do. I wish they were here to see all this. I was… Didn’t expect to tell you any of that.

Elise: David? David? Hello. Hey. What are you doing? Why are you calling?

Elise: Hi. No, I was… Because I was sleeping. No. No, it’s not. Why are you calling? Okay, well, I gotta go. No, I gotta go. Okay. I’m so sorry.

David: It’s all right. Everything okay?

Elise: Yeah. Oh, my God. That was so weird. I woke up and you weren’t here. And then the phone rang and it was my ex which is just so strange.

David: Sorry, I guess we hadn’t gotten to any of that stuff yet.

Elise: Right. You know, we broke up a while ago, and it’s over and then he calls four times in one morning.

David: He called you four times this morning? How long have you guys been broken up?

Elise: Three months. It’s like he knew I was with someone else.

David: Was it serious?

Elise: We were engaged.

David: So, not really that serious?

Elise: Right.

David: Well, what happened?

Elise: Do you want to know this?

David: Yeah.

Elise: He was a great guy. Brilliant choreographer and dancer, and we had the same group of friends. We had known each other a long time.

David: Well, he sounds great. Why didn’t you marry him?

Elise: Because of you. I’m not some hopeless romantic. I’ve never allowed myself to be that way. But once I felt, even for a moment, what I felt with you. You ruined me. I didn’t want to settle for less.

David: I know the feeling.

Elise: It scares the shit out of me.

David: I’m not gonna hurt you.

Elise: You don’t need to say that.

David: I’m not gonna hurt you. This is the first time in 25 years that I don’t feel like I’m by myself.

Elise: That’s a lot of responsibility for me. I don’t know if I’m quite comfortable with that.

David: Well, too late. You know, I’m supposed to go to an interview right now. What if I told you I wasn’t ready to let you out of my sight quite yet?

Elise: Sounds good.

David: You wanna go?

Elise: Yeah.

Interviewer: Are you handsome or is it that Washington is so populated by… I don’t wanna say, hideous abnormalities…

David: This is getting a little weird.

Interviewer: David Norris, everybody.

Man: Excuse me, ma’am.

Elise: Yes?

Man: Congressman Norris asked me to give you a message. He was just called into a meeting. He says it’s urgent.

Elise: Okay.

Man: He said he’ll call you as soon as he’s out and he’ll see you at the show tonight.

Elise: Okay, thank you. Thanks.

Man: This way, Congressman.

David: Hello?

Thompson: Frustrating, isn’t it? My name is Thompson.

David: Whatever happened to free will?

Thompson: We actually tried free will before. After taking you from hunting and gathering to the height of the Roman Empire, we stepped back to see how you would do on your own. You gave us the Dark Ages for five centuries until finally we decided we should come back in. The Chairman thought that maybe we just needed to do a better job with teaching you how to ride a bike before taking the training wheels off again. So, we gave you the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, scientific revolution. For 600 years we taught you to control your impulses with reason. Then in 1910, we stepped back again. Within 50 years, you had brought us World War I, the Depression, Fascism, the Holocaust, and capped it off by bringing the entire planet to the brink of destruction in the Cuban missile crisis. At that point a decision was taken to step back in again before you did something that even we couldn’t fix.You don’t have free will, David. You have the appearance of free will.

David: You expect me to believe that? I make decisions every day.

Thompson: You have free will over which toothpaste you use or which beverage to order at lunch.
But humanity just isn’t mature enough to control the important things.

David: So, you handle the important things? The last time I checked, the world is a pretty screwed-up place.

Thompson: It’s still here. If we had left things in your hands, it wouldn’t be.

David: Tell me why I can’t be with Elise? Because the last guy didn’t know.

Thompson: Meeting Elise at the Waldorf three years ago wasn’t chance. That was us. We knew she would inspire you to give that speech. That speech that brought you back from the edge of oblivion and overnight made you the frontrunner in this coming election.

David: What are you saying? You want me to win the election?

Thompson: This one and four more after it. And I’m not just talking about elections for Senate. You can matter, David. Really matter. What your father wanted when he took you to the Senate Gallery when you were 10. What your brother wanted when he made you promise the day before he overdosed that you wouldn’t be like him. Why do you think you have that yearning to be in front of people? That terrible emptiness when you’re not.

David: Don’t do that.

Thompson: David, you can change the world, but that doesn’t happen if you stay with her.

David: Why do you people care who I love?

Thompson: It’s not about her, it’s about you. What being with her does to you.

David: What it does to me? I’m better when I’m with her! Even you said it. The speech.

Thompson: In small doses, was the cure. But in large doses, she rubs off on you.

David: Stop.

Thompson: David, the president can’t be a loose cannon.

David: Stop talking. It’s not working.

Thompson: Why do you refuse to accept what should be completely obvious by now? You’ve seen what we can do. You can’t doubt we are who we say we are.

David: Look, it’s not about who you are, it’s about who I am.

Thompson: Can’t outrun your fate, David.

David: I just disagree with you about what my fate is. I know what I feel for her and it’s not gonna change. All I have are the choices that I make. And I choose her come what may.

Thompson: It’s 6:20. If you leave now, you can make Elise’s show.
